VBF - Virginia Barbeque Franchise
VBF stands for Virginia Barbeque Franchise
Here you will find, what does VBF stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Virginia Barbeque Franchise? Virginia Barbeque Franchise can be abbreviated as VBF What does VBF stand for? VBF stands for Virginia Barbeque Franchise. What does Virginia Barbeque Franchise mean?The United States based company is located in Fredericksburg, Virginia engaged in restaurants industry.
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Alternative definitions of VBF
- Virginia Bicycling Federation
- Valley Bible Fellowship
- Veterinary Benevolent Fund
- Van Bert Farms
- Visual Batch File
- Visual Batch File
- Verified Bug Fix
- Valley Baptist Fellowship
View 28 other definitions of VBF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- VCWSL Venture Capital World Summit Ltd
- VPSSI VP Security Services Inc.
- VCML Vice City Motors LLC
- VSCA Veteran Service Corps America
- VMM Vellum Marketing Management
- VAB Victoria Academy of Ballet
- VMA Viking Marine As
- VSL Vitrine Systems Ltd
- VFUKL Volz Filters UK Limited
- VLAM VL Asset Management
- VSC Veteran Security Company
- VPC Vineland Packaging Corporation
- VP Volvo of Phoenix
- VEI Vista Exhibits Inc
- VP Volkswagen of Puyallup
- VHR Vital Health Recruitment
- VMREA Veritas Medical Real Estate Advisors
- VE The Virtual Edge